Late stages of pregnancy
Pregnancy discomfort
How to prepare your body for labour
Warning signs in pregnancy

Please note: There will be no classes running in January 2025, these will resume in February.
These classes are in a relaxed environment and are interactive and fun with no role playing or games. Build your knowledge through professional education, conversations with the group and hands on experience. Your booking is for you and a chosen partner for 5 weeks from 6:15pm - 9pm weekly.
We now have two facilitators at Hatched so your class will either be with Carmen or China.
Your course price includes:
Booklets with information and space for note taking
After dinner treat's and tea/coffee/water
Sessions with experts
All Hatched classes now include access to Hatched Online at no extra cost so you can keep your new knowledge fresh in your mind (these have lots of interviews with experts; anaesthetist, car seat technician and a pelvic floor physio).
Have more questions? Please feel free to contact us at
“Hatched was a great introduction to becoming new parents. We found Carmen so relatable and knowledgeable, she created a safe environment where we have made friendships with others on the same journey. We felt like we could always ask questions and have discussions about all topics. We loved having the booklet as well as access to the online course; we have watched a few extra video’s and have found it so helpful. Thank you so much!”
Pregnancy discomfort
How to prepare your body for labour
Warning signs in pregnancy
The onset of labour
Stages of labour
Vaginal births, assisted deliveries & c-sections
When complications arise
Both natural & medical options
Session is led with a practicing anaesthetist
Breastfeeding - what to expect
Formula & bottle feeding
Issues surrounding feeding including reflux, tongue ties, weight loss & jaundice
The first few hours after birth
The fourth trimester
Sleeping and settling with a newborn (session led alongside a well known sleep consultant)
Relationship changes
Tips for dad
Nappy changing
How to settle a baby
Carseat safety (session led alongside a car restraint technician)
Places need to be paid for at the time of booking. Each course has a maximum of 14 couples. We recommend commencing this course when you are 28-30 weeks pregnant.
(Please be aware we may need to change your course dates if we don’t have a minimum of 8 couples at each course).
If you are paying for these classes at a pre-arranged later date, please ensure you deposit $265 into Hatched Antenatal; 12-3146-0168379-00 with your name & course number as a reference.
Please note, a this is a non-refundable payment unless for medical reasons (i.e strict bedrest or your baby has been born prematurely) prior to the course commencing (minus a $20 admin fee). If you have already commenced the course we are unable to offer a refund sorry.
How else can I help you?
In home consultation either before or after your baby is born
Further education
Nursery advice or set up
Birth de briefing
Assistance with anything you choose postnatally
Postnatal help could include me assisting with settling techniques, breastfeeding, routines for your newborn or anything else you may find helpful. (This will not go against any plans you and your midwife have already put in place).
Cost: Price on enquiry.